Christian Boylove Forum

courage, my foot...

Submitted by Scott on April 07 1999 at 20:34:59
In reply to That took courage Submitted by d on April 06 1999 at 00:26:02

all it took was a good ole' butt-stompin from Him up above, to get me going in the right direction again...

thanks for your words. i must apologize for my harsh words in that response i wrote to your response to someone...did you get that? i was a little bit angry at myself for being myself, and kind of lashed out at you. while i spoke angrily, i spoke truly. i should have been more polite, and i apologize. i appreciate advice, as it shows caring among others, but often i take it as criticism, when it isn't. and, dont we all need compassion sometimes?
thanks again...
a wanderer, found, lost, and found again....

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