Christian Boylove Forum

Lust and hypocrisy

Submitted by F.O.D. on April 09 1999 at 20:27:56
In reply to Re: b) ??? Submitted by Ben on April 09 1999 at 18:25:09

Ben, I think it's a good sign that these concerns are concerning you. It means you're alive, in the spiritual sense. And working through them will mean you'll end up with a real faith in God, not a false popular one.

I had a look at another verse which seems to shed some more light into what lust really is. Eph 4:19 "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more."
It's like lust is losing control over the way you act towards boys. But the way you describe it, your masturbating has actually been an instrument for helping you not to lose control, in which case the wanking wouldn't seem to be an act of lust.
Anyway, the fact that you have already stopped antisocial wanking tells me that any problems with lust or lack of control over masturbation are already being dealt with. Don't give up now, when you're only just starting the journey and have already learnt so much!

Why do you say it's hypocritical to accept your own sinfulness? On the contrary, that is the first step in humbling yourself and accepting God's forgiveness.

It's not hypocrisy when you're trying to find the true path. It's hypocrisy when you're only pretending to find the Way to God.


"Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways;
according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD."
Psalm 25:7

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