Christian Boylove Forum

Re: here, there or everywhere...

Submitted by F.O.D. on April 11 1999 at 07:19:01
In reply to here, there or everywhere... Submitted by scott on April 10 1999 at 20:50:21

I agree IRC would in principle be most appropriate (if we could be disciplined enough to not all talk at once).

I'm almost embarrassed to mention it, but I have to mention, though, what concerns me is the security weakness of IRC. My ISP is work related and it would be easier than I care for to track me down via the IP address. Maybe the rest of you could go on without me, or maybe we could arrange the place privately by email, or maybe you could convince me it's not that big a deal. Does anyone know how well the Java chat works that Ben mentioned?
Maybe I should try harder to net-jack someone else's IP address ;)

As for timing, my guess is that a reasonable morning hour in California would be best. That way it's day-time elsewhere in America, evening in Europe, I'm not sure about Australia... :) On a Saturday or holiday I suppose, unless we could juggle Sunday church.

Maybe we could ask the CBF webmasters to put a clock on the CBF page, like they have at BC, which we could use for conveniently arranging times ("bible study at 11am CBF time")


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