Christian Boylove Forum

here, there or everywhere...

Submitted by scott on April 10 1999 at 20:50:21

seems to be plenty of positive response and interest about a bible study regarding child-love verses in the bible.

the next question is:
where should we discuss this?
a few ideas:
here on CBF- pluses are that we can take our time and think through our responses at our own pace. minuses- takes up a lot of board room, and a little less personal.
on IRC: pluses-realtime chat, we can email the basic ideas beforehand and prepare our thoughts; less overall time involved than reading posts and responding. minuses- some of us (me too) cant type very quickly; less permanent than posting here; you need to have irc software; (which is free for the taking, but you gotta go get it)

the ideal solution might be to combine the two, and to have the basics emailed or posted beforehand, have a discussion on irc, and possibly then post consensuses/opinions/disagreements/highlight films here on CBF.

(btw, heather, you have my permission to use anything i post, now, before, and indefinitely)

let me know what you think, guys.
if you like the irc idea, tell us when is good for you so we can all hash out a time convenient for almost everyone.
most nights are fine for me, as long as i know a few days ahead of time to get off work. some of us are in different time zones, so keep that in mind. does mornings work for anyone else? probably not, cause i am in eastern time, and start work at 8:00=7central=6mtn=5calfiornia (did i get those right???) so would need to be done by then.


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