Christian Boylove Forum

Re: My fantasy

Submitted by John Guard on April 13 1999 at 10:45:34
In reply to My fantasy Submitted by Mark on April 12 1999 at 23:21:05

Your proposition is something that I find very appealing and well thought-out. It is something that society desperately needs in context to the ped problem. A couple of people heavily involved in the ped world are actually thinking of doing such a thing but there are still several obstacles that need to be overcome first.

First, there is still a considerable amount of contentions and dissesions amongst the different peds. Like any culture and sub-culture, there is a wide range of personalities and predispositions amongst different pedosexuals. Some pedosexuals adamantly believe in adult-child sexual relationships while others are simply content with mentoring. I know that the younger pedosexuals are still flexible and impressionable but a united front amongst the older, more established pedosexuals is necessary and we don't have that. From my experience working with different pedosexuals, I found, to my great disappointment that many of them do seek a sexual relationship, whether they accept this truth or not. By sexual relationship, I mean anal and/or heavy sex. I find this unacceptable. Thus, I reckon that you will have quite a difficult task in establishing fixed, unviersal standards amongst pedosexuals.

Second, uniting, or at least bringing together the pedosexual culture/sub-culture outside the Spirit of Christianity is playing with fire. A united front is a powerful tool, and in most cases, effective. However, without the proper guidance and foundation, that unity can be abused and misused, be it in this generation or the next. That is primarily why a lot of anti-pedo groups are using the divide and conquer tactics against pedosexuals; they fear pedosexuals coming together and to an extent, I share their fear. IF all what pedosexuals want is acceptance and understanding from the public, yes, I am totally for that..but I wonder if these are all what all pedosexuals want.

Lastly, the American society, like all human societies will always have its fears and paranoia. In fact, the American society in general is probably one of the most paranoid societies there are. I have studied and lived in various European, Latin American and Asian countries and, interestingly enough, for all their poverty and high criminal elements, the level of paranoia and fear amongst these societies are significantly lower than that I experienced in America. I find the saying that America is a "pro-tolerant" society a fallacy. It uses a system of imposed tolerance that represses prejudices, not neutralizes them. It deals with behavior, not whats inside. Whites still look down on blacks. Most still feel uncomfortable with gay relationships. Men still look at women as sexual objects. In the context of pedosexuals, there is a double-whammy involved. Not only is there a homosexual element involved, but there is also a generational taboo involved. Add this is to the increasing conservative , "Bring Morality Back to America" movement, which spurns tolerance and multiculturalism and you get a rather bleak picture. In this context, I am largely pessimistic about the public bringing itself to tolerate pedosexuals.

However, despite these obstacles, I am still determined to see your plan, or any plan similar to that implemented. In fact, I am currently working with a number of major pedosexuals in setting something of the sort. I am not certain of how successful we will be but at least we shalt give it a shot, and as the major coordinators of this plan are Christians, I am praying that GOD will guide us in this endeavor.

My Two Sheckels,
John Guard

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