Christian Boylove Forum

interesting pontification....and a note to jm

Submitted by scott on May 17 1999 at 20:21:12
In reply to I agree with jm... Submitted by F.O.D. on May 16 1999 at 18:04:04

about the verse, firstly, i think (imho)that the purpose was more to protect the bride's family from embarassment, and the father from the loss of a valuable asset, a virgin to marry off, to increase his family's fortunes. but, it does point to sex as being within a lifelong bond, as does everything else in the good book.

about your question, i did mean a lifelong commitment. i hate to use the word marriage, to me it is just not a good word. i do, however, mean what i said in a lifelong committed together relationship, not one that will peter out years down the road. i just cannot bring myself to use the word marriage...

about the splintering of souls thing, (btw, no worries about depressing me, i do that well and good by myself ;)...) it is an interesting thought. i will think it over for a while and let you know what i think.

i suppose it does boil down to how one understands sex...more on that later, when i figure it out!!!! (aren't you all gonna be jealous, when i have it ALL figured out?!?!?!)

see ya...
wee just keep missing each other, it seems...

BTW, jm, i had a few questions about your response, have you seen my reply? i guess my main question was why do you fixate on sodomy? and waht about boylovers who are celibate? are they sodomites? how can they be, if they dont have sex? i would like to know your thoughts...

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