Christian Boylove Forum

A.A. and Boylove

Submitted by Chris on May 25 1999 at 21:51:17

Hi Everybody (again),

Mark has asked me to give a little insight as to the program of recovery for alcoholics, Alcoholics Anonimous, and boylove. I have been thinking about this all day today and I have so many things to say that I'm not too sure I will be able to do this in one sitting. I will try to cover as much as I can tonight but I may have to continue on a latter date.

First of all, I am not an expert in either area. I am a boylover (Christian) and a recovering alcoholic, and so I have some experience in both. I must state, though, that while both things are simmilar, they are also quite different.

While alcoholism is classified as a disease, I do not believe that boylove is. They can both be quite destructive in a person's life. They can both also be controled so that the person's life can become mannageable. I have found this to be true, but only through a program called Alcoholics Anonimous, and through God.

A.A. is a spiritual program. It is a program that requires faith in a "Higher Power" (God for most of us) to keep a person sober. It requires that an alcoholic publicly (usually at a meeting) admit that they are powerless over alcohol and that thier lives have become unmanageable. This is a very important first step tword recovery from alcoholism and I believe a very important first step in dealing with boylove feelings. For a long time I denied my feelings twords boys but because of my denial I really suffered. I was almost constantly depressed about my life in general and also quite fearfull about anyone finding out about "my little secret". It has only been just recently (since I got my webtv.) that I have been able to admit to anyone else my feelings twords boys. That was a big step for me and it did really help.

The second step in the A.A, program (it has 12 steps total) is "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity". For me this "higher Power" meant God, but because a lot of alcoholics have bad mixed feelings about God, they like to refer to Him as a "Higher Power". I think I could write a whole volume of books about how important this step is to ANY boylover. I think all of us here can agree on the importance of God in our lives to restore us to sanity. I can think of quite a few "insane" things I used to do because of my boylove feelings. It has only been just lately, when I discovered other boylovers who are also Christians (mostly here), that I have been able to find a much greater faith in God, and thus a whole lot more sanity.

Those are just the first two steps in the A.A. program. I think because of the time tonight I will have to leave it at that for the time being. I would like to share a prayer that is VERY important to recovering alcoholics and I think is VERY important for boylovers as well. Think about this one and see if you don't agree.

The Serenity Prayer

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference"

I think this prayer is EXTREEMLY relevant to all of us here. I would recomend it to everyone!

Some of our slogans can also apply (I believe) to boylovers as well. How about,"Let go, let God". In other words, let go of your problems, fears, and the like, and "let God" take care of them. Another one is our most famous probably,"One Day at a Time". It means just what it says, take life just one day at a time. Don't spend your time worrying about tomorrow or dwelling upon the past.

Man, I just looked at the clock and I have to go for now. I will continue with this if everyone wishes. Thank you, Mark, for asking me about this.

Love to All, Your brother in Christ Jesus,

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