Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Don't think Boylove is a sin

Submitted by Ben on June 07 1999 at 07:25:16
In reply to Don't think Boylove is a sin Submitted by Nice Guy on June 04 1999 at 16:00:48

Nice guy -
Sorry for the late response. It's been a busy time and I haven't checked in a few weeks.

My church certainly would never coerce anyone to confess. Confession before God is the most important thing. However repentence (which includes a committment to change one's sinful nature) is more likely to be successful if we are willing to share our weaknesses with our brothers. You mentioned that you are not a 'devout' Christian so perhaps this is not overly important to you. For me, it is very important so I am committed to try to be as open with my sins as possible. As it so happens, I decided to keep my boylove related sins between me and God which I am confident God will understand and be objective about.

Certainly love for boys is not a sin! My love for boys is something that God has shown me never has to go away. However when it comes to sexual issues, the bible is pretty clear about what is sinful. This is not to say that boylovers sin anymore than unmarried (or married for that reason) heterosexaul men do....the sins are basically the same.

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