Christian Boylove Forum

Re: It is not the real you

Submitted by Ben on June 12 1999 at 20:41:40
In reply to It is not the real you Submitted by Adam TBK on June 10 1999 at 22:47:13

Adam -
I don't agree in principle with a number of your statements. As FOD indicated, at the CORE of fundamentalism SHOULD BE a true beleif in God, that he exists, that he created us, that he wants a relationship with us and that he sent his son to die for us. I do believe that God used the boys to attract me to Christianity because he knew that this was where I would listen. God does meet you were you are. He also knew that if I were to really give up my old life, that I would probably need boys to draw me into something that would otherwise seem impossible for me to pursue. God did all of this for me in the most perfect of ways. Indeed I have really incredible, beautiful boys in my life who are practically my family now. Yet I am so thankful to God for making his calling so palatable, that I don't want to abuse his gift by lusting after those boys. So, I don't. My faith in God goes way beyond the boys and most of what I do in my religion does not include boys. In fact, kids go to class and don't even sit in church with us.

You are worth more to society if you are spending your time to help relieve pain and suffering from the earth, instead of sitting in your home reading pages from the Bible.

The bible is not religion, but is rather a building of faith and a textbook for living life in a Godly way. By reading the bible one understands how to live their life in the world (which certainly includes helping other people). It would seem to me that most people who don't read the bible aren't terribly concerned with relieving pain and suffering of others anyway, since they are too wrapped up in money, sex and power to care about anyone but themselves.

If it weren't for a friend sharing his faith with me, I'd still be spending every night surfing the web for the next great BL series. You KNOW that, as BLs, we go from one YF to the next, from one fantasy to the next, looking for more food to fill our empty hearts. I've actually reached a point where I am no longer living my life for the next sexual relief, but am trying to find a Godly purpose on earth. I'd be surprise if that Godly purpose did NOT include boys in some way, but I am no longer trying to fill the emptiness with temporary fixes. FOD is sharing with his YF because he himself needs God and he knows that his YF needs God. YOU need God Adam, just as I did. I didn't know it. You don't know it. But you do. Leave aside for a moment the bible's views on homosexuality (you can wrestle with it later). God loves you as he does me and he wants you do know him. FOD sharing his faith is the most generous act that one can perform.

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