Christian Boylove Forum

Hi, new guy here

Submitted by Tim on June 17 1999 at 04:53:17

Wow, this is great! I just found this forum a few days ago via Boylinks. I've been familiar with Boylinks and various other internet boylove sites for a couple years now, but this is a new discovery!
Hi, my name is Tim. As you may have guessed I am a Christian and a boylover. I'm also a former 'loved boy.'
I'm very glad to have found this forum. I read some of the older posts and many of them said stuff that I had already come to understand as being true by God. For example... channeling my feelings and urges of boylove into something useful for God's Kingdom. I strongly feel that God made me exactly who I am for a reason. It took God several years to get through to me on this. I felt so horrible about myself (both for being gay and for liking young boys way more than adult men,) and I was confused and angry that no matter how much I prayed and begged and cried to God to be "corrected" into the straight person I thought God intends us all to be, He never answered. Or, I should say, I thought that He wasn't answering. I was so wrong. He finally got through to me so loud and clear and sudden that it startled me physically (I literally stopped dead in my tracks while walking.) He said, "Haven't you even considered that maybe you are praying for the wrong thing?" I thought, "No, I never did." So I changed my prayer to being, "Ok God, I'll try your theory... IF you want me to change, please do it or let me know that you will. IF you want me just how I am, help me accept it." He not only kept His end of the bargain, he exceeded it. I feel so amazed at the gift I have been given of being able to see and recognize such awesome beauty that others in the world miss out on: boys. And I can now be proud to have been a loved boy.
God is so good, He overwhelms me over and over again. I have never felt His presence in my life more strongly than I have since I accepted myself the way God made me.
Of course I have down times too, depression that all my plans for a regular family and children and all that are never going to be. I have times I wish so bad that I was "normal" and could lead a "normal" life. But I know there is a reason for me being made to be who I am, and I will find out what exactly that reason is one day.
Well that was a much longer introduction than I intended. Sorry if I bored you too much with that rambling. Basically what I'm trying to say with all this is...
"Hi all! I'm Tim!" :-)

P.S. In case you wonder or care... I'm 22, tall, skinny, dark blonde/hazel.

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