Christian Boylove Forum

Re: A sacrifice

Submitted by Don on June 18 1999 at 01:20:47
In reply to A sacrifice Submitted by Ben on June 17 1999 at 20:46:35

I decided long ago that to love someone doesn't always mean you do things that make them love someone truly means that once in a while they are gonna be damn pissed at you. As an adult who is friends with a kid....sometimes you will need to make a choice between what's going to make you popular and what's right in a situation. In the long run the kid will respect you for making a descision that is right, if not overly popular, at the moment.

I didn't really understand your story to well, other than to realize that you were hurt because you hurt the kid who you care about but that what happened was the proper thing. Keep in mind that kids have a short memeory when if comes to anger. I've seen kids trying to give each other a bloodly nose one day and going to a movie together the next.

If you have a good relationship with your kid....if he values the relationship..... then he'll be mad for a while and in a few days forget it ever happened.


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