Christian Boylove Forum

you did the right thing

Submitted by tks on June 27 1999 at 17:32:09
In reply to paradise Submitted by F.O.D. on June 27 1999 at 15:33:40

I believe that you did the right thing, because.....
It was the right thing for you, to do at the time.

I've never been in that kind of situation,
but think that I would have had the same apprehension
in having a go with someone I didn't know ;)

It's not the lustful situations that are hard to deal with IMO.
It's the love of someone that I already know, that might be difficult
to fully express, under the circumstances.

On this earth plane, the idea of "paradise" is a paradox....
whether singular or plural :) The hope of a better time and place
is what keeps many people going on, no matter what the present circumstances happen to be.
I believe that is due to an inate "function" of the human spirit rather than a particular perscribed "religion" ;)
In other words, humans under diverse circumstancess, have similar ways of dealing with "life".
Perhaps a good solid belief system is preferable to nothing at all.

Which brings us back to a certain "religion" which says that my "orientation"
.... or the way I express my orientation (outside of Holy martyrmony ;)

So, where do we go from here?
Something IS wrong with this picture....


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