Christian Boylove Forum

Same-gender-attracted Christians speak for themselves

Submitted by Heather on July 07 1999 at 22:39:05
In reply to Does Christianity = family? Submitted by Triple Q on July 07 1999 at 21:23:03

"Maybe there are happy 'abominations' within the Church, but we have to ask ourselves...why are they happy? If we were to answer truthfully, we would have to say because they are suppressing the thoughts and emotions that God gave them at birth."

Judge for yourself.

"When I had sunk just as low as anyone could go, when I had my vial of pills and glass of water waiting on my dresser, I saw the face of God for the very first time in my life. Well, I didn't exactly see a face, nor did I hear anything, but if I can put into words what I felt at that moment it was this: 'Be still, my child. You are my creation. Live, and love, as I have created you. I will be with you always.' And so I have. It has been an incredible spiritual odyssey."

"One night in October, 1978, I prayed desperately: 'God, if You're real, please reveal yourself to me.' As I slept, He spoke to me in a vivid dream, letting me know that He had a place for me to eat at His table [Rev. 3:20]. The next day I woke up with such a peace and joy that I wept. Somehow, I knew God was real, that He was the answer for which I'd been searching so long. . . . The restoration of the years of despair have been great and I feel I've received far more than I deserve. But that's just how God is. He's loving and kind, a Father to model your life after. He's shown me real love."

"As [the minister] spoke, I felt the spirit of God surround me. I knew I was home. That night I discovered that I may have turned my back on God, but He had never turned his back on me. Thinking back to the three years I had spent not talking or thinking about God, I could suddenly see all the wonderful things He had done for me over the years. He saw me through job changes, relationship troubles, moves from home to home -- whenever I needed help, He had been there."

"Chris' committed friendship did much to heal me of the image of God as a demanding and uncaring tyrant. Through him, I experienced some of the tenderness and love that reflects the true character of God."

"I also give credit and a great deal of gratitude to [my churches] for their love, compassion and real Christian education. My involvement with these two churches was integral to my healing, acceptance and coming to love myself as Jesus Christ does . . . I have found a wonderful, loving, joyful, painful, rewarding, challenging, happy, sorrowful life . . ."

"Within a few weeks, I found a small group of church friends who loved me and wanted me in their lives. Finally I had found the place of belonging I wanted. Clark, Debbie, Dawna, George and others quickly became my life-support system. I told them about my homosexuality and they were stunned at first. But they all stood with me just like my pastor. No one rejected me . . . Hour after hour, God would soak me with relationships. George and I spent time together. George was interested in knowing me. He would ask questions and dig into my life, causing me to process my feelings and thoughts that had built up over the years. Debbie, Dawna, and other women were my sisters in the Lord. They liked me and wanted me around. I was not ridiculed or teased like I had earlier in my life. This little group of friends became a source of healing for me."

"I found a very loving and supportive charismatic, evangelical church . . . Within this church, I learned more about myself, and about the Scriptures and the context of the Scriptures on homosexuality. What struck me most were the Fruits of the Holy Spirit at work - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control."

"I now stand upright before God and I am able to joyfully praise Him. . . . I am no longer living life as a tourist. I know who I am and to Whom I belong. I am a fellow citizen with God's people and a member of God's household."

By the way, I defy you to identify which of the above passages were written by gays, which were written by ex-gays, and which were written by ex-ex-gays. :)


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