Christian Boylove Forum

Re: The sad truth

Submitted by Ben on July 09 1999 at 23:26:52
In reply to The sad truth Submitted by Triple Q on July 07 1999 at 18:29:06

Triple Q -
I guess I look at these "abominations" not as people who are any more sinful than anyone else. Instead, they are people who have a specific weakness or temptation to sin that perhaps makes their life more of a struggle. Someone who is born heterosexual, who becomes involved in sex at an early age may become addicted to heterosexual sex which, when part of marriage, is not sinful at all.

The problem, as I see it, is that much of American lukewarm Christianity is trying to bend God and religion around to fit what people want. If you have lots of little old church ladies in the church, then there isn't going to be a very popular movement to help people who are gay. Instead, those little old ladies are happy to trample young homosexuals in the name of feeling righteous and on the way to, what they hope will be heaven. On the other hand, with a large homosexual movement in a younger church, you have people who are making exceptions to the bible and to God's word. I don't believe that humans who really believe in God, can make these decisions.

What should be happening (and what is happening in my church) is that children are taught very early how to abstain from sex all together. I was adamently opposed to this philosophy until a) I began working with those children and b) I made a committment to purity myself, as an adult. I now ferverently believe that one can abstain from sex if they are willing to surrender to God completely, and to deal with their sins in a spiritual way. I also believe that many people are born with a tendency to be homosexual or BL, but that they can go either way. I grew up with NO guidance whatsoever. So, when I started dreaming about boys, no dad was around to help redirect me. Some people are born with a tendency to drink alcohol, and that will be the temptation for them. But a true Christian, puts these problems at Jesus' feet, asks for help in dealing with them, and overcomes whatever his weakness might be.

Just my opinion anyway....from the fundamentalists corner :)

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