Christian Boylove Forum

While I appreciate the sentiment

Submitted by Triple Q on July 10 1999 at 20:09:41
In reply to justice and insanity Submitted by F.O.D. on July 10 1999 at 17:41:04

And I'm greatly touched by your response at BC (thank you), don't feel that you have to use kid gloves with me. This particular debate was going on years before I met "T" and will probably continue for some years to come. In fact, the argument has become so engrained that I did not even see the correlation between the argument and "T" and his mother until you mentioned it.

But thank you for caring enough to notice it. And for responding the way you did.

To answer your question, I'm in favor of capital punishment.

As for you being a "callous bastard", you recognized a problem here and responded in kindness, didn't you? That's not being callous. (Of course, you'll have to talk to your momma on the bastard part. I don't know your history. :)

Kidding aside, I think everyone is like that to some degree. You hear that a friend of a friend died. You never knew the person. It's hard to sympathize with your friend when you really don't know who he's even talking about. But, if it was a friend, someone you knew intimately, you would react differently. And, if it were a close relative or a very intimate friend, you would be hard pressed to call yourself callous.

And, from what I've seen of you, you are not a person who does not care about others.


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