Christian Boylove Forum

As a musician

Submitted by Oliver on July 24 1999 at 00:33:44
In reply to Speaking of hymns Submitted by Jimf3 on July 23 1999 at 20:39:47

I have more fun singing and worshiping than any other aspect of the Christain life. Music just does that. I also enjoyed singing campfire songs in boyscouts, my kids that I work with love to sing the kiddie songs, you see teens walking around blaring the words of thier favorite songs, no care in the world of how good they are.

It's a good and positive thing to see, no matter the creed, credo, or context of the singing, unless, of course, it promotes harm to others. It's a unifying experience. I'd probably die spritually if I was in a church that wasn't exited about singing, old or new songs, for me, it's the best part any gathering or fellowship. Thanks for the moment, Jim. I enjoyed reading your post and sharing in your memory.


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