Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by Ben on August 08 1999 at 19:10:06
In reply to LOVE IS FOR EVERYBODY BUT SEX IS AN ADULT BUSINESS Submitted by ANTHONY CANE on August 08 1999 at 18:39:40

Hi Anthony -
Thanks for posting. All opinions are welcome here (as long as they are presented in a civil manner) whether people agree with you or not.

I happen to be a celibate boylover who basically agrees with you. Having been exposed to sexuality at a very young age, and having been pre-occupied with sex for the balance of my adult life up to very recently, I can attest for the damage that early sexual experience can do.

I have heard people say before that homosexuality is a tendency, not an absolute. I wonder how true it is that ANYONE can be heterosexual with proper direction. I definately believe that the vast majority of those born with a 'bisexual tendency' (as I've heard it called) will be heterosexual if they have the proper role models and parenting in their lives. Still, I wonder if there are not a few men who are destined to be gay no matter what happens in their life. In any case, I agree that children don't need it helped along by older males. While I believe that much of the trauma caused by child molestation today is caused by society, not by the act, I feel that any sexual encounter that a child has is an unnecessary burden on them. The longer a child has to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, the better.

This is strictly my opinion. I am also not 100% convinced that a boy's sexual experience with a man is any worse than it might be with another boy or with a female. It is the sexual contact in general, not the partner, that can cause the damage.


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