Christian Boylove Forum

Re: The Christian versus Boylove conflict

Submitted by Rylan on August 13 1999 at 20:33:53
In reply to The Christian versus Boylove conflict Submitted by Gerald from New Zealand on August 13 1999 at 18:32:31

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I was so glad you said what you said about the Bible. I wanted to say something here like that but was afraid of offending someone. I, too, believe that the Bible is NOT the be all and end all of God's word. As you said, it was written by men who are FALLIBLE and who have prejudices. I've known this and felt this for a long time. It's great to hear that coming from someone else. It's too bad that so many people base their entire belief system and faith in the words of the Bible. The Bible is limited also because it has been interpreted and MISinterpreted so many times and as a result has been used as a false resource to support many prejudices by hate groups and 'Holier than Thou' fanatics. I, for one, would want no part of a God who is as the Bible describes. But I don't worry about that because as man is fallible, so is 'The Good Book.' God is not.

I hope that makes sense.

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