Christian Boylove Forum

I agree

Submitted by Some guy in the NW (aka Jesus lover) on August 15 1999 at 23:56:28
In reply to Being Christian in a savage world Submitted by Triple Q on August 15 1999 at 23:25:18

I totally agree.

You said "Personally, on this board, I see the lack of defense of your position as being a sign of respect. They may not agree with what you say but they are not willing to contradict your beliefs either out of respect for your right to have them."

Actually I feel that most people that "Stand Back" don't want to get on Jim's "hate list" of a person he will watch with his Eagle Eye. They aren't BOLD enough to endure the fire that those who are BOLD endure out of sheer love for those who are lost. I would rather receive 100 hate messages and have 1 person see what the difference is and see that God is real and loves them and that they can indeed receive deliverance from those things in their lives that bind them and hold them back from achieve fullness in their life and happiness.

I have a couple of questions for Jim:

Are you totally happy and satisfied with who you are and everything in your life according to the choices that you have made?

Do you feel totally loved and accepted for who you are?

(May my God) Bless you!


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