Christian Boylove Forum

Man and God

Submitted by Night Wolf on August 16 1999 at 10:09:36
In reply to Metaphor vs. Fact Submitted by Rue de la Levee on August 16 1999 at 01:29:56

I don't think it's possible to believe every word in the Bible at the literal truth. There are just too many things that are self-contradictory. You hit on some of the more obvious ones; theres also the suggestion that God created the Earth before the stars - something that is obviously untrue as the stars can be proven to be older than the earth. When the authors of Genisis get past the mythology part and reach the story of Abraham, I think that there is a shift in the writing. There they are trying to record history. It may not be accurate, but it is more than just a story with a message. There are times when they got carried away, such as the destruction of Sodom and Gemorrah and Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt, but the writing is more down to earth.
I don't have much time for people who look at the passage in Levitucus that talks about homosexuality and put any stock in it. There are so many things in the Laws that would be considered far out today, to pick out that one is the worst sort of hypocracy.
The real question is what in the bible is indespensable? For me, the ten comandmants are the most importaint thing. Some seem more importaint than others - killing is a worse sin than not respecting the Sabath for example. Also, the words of Christ I think reflect most of the wisdom in the Bible. Less valuable is St. Paul, but he did have a few useful things to say.
I can't quote chapter and verse either, but when God first spoke to the Prophet Elijah, he showed him that he was not in a hurricane or a whirlwind, but instead was a "still, small voice." I find if I listen to that still, small voice inside of me, I hear him speaking to me.

Night Wolf

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