Christian Boylove Forum

Yes, that's somewhat comforting

Submitted by Jimf3 on August 16 1999 at 20:32:16
In reply to doubtful, not dubious Submitted by RdlL on August 15 1999 at 23:51:49

Hi there,

Yes, sorry, I misinterpreted your meaning as it was less than clear. Sorry about that.

Indeed, it is somewhat comforting that the most rabid of the Christian fundamentalists and authoritarian sects have been losing power but it's disheartening to see tht that loss may be only temporary. Just look at the Muslim world and what is happening there now after some decades of liberal progress. Even in what were completely secular states, the fundamentalists are coming back.

After last weeks decision by the Kansas State Board of Education that "evolution" may not be part of official state curriculum, one has to wonder what's going to happen to our world. Will the fanatics and haters start to make a comeback and gain more power?

That's a very, very frightening thought.


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