Christian Boylove Forum

A question for your friend

Submitted by d on August 24 1999 at 12:02:21
In reply to curious question Submitted by F.O.D. on August 24 1999 at 11:37:46

What are your friend's attitudes toward sexual attraction and sexual behavior which is not used to create children?

Unlike other mammals, human women don't have "heat" - they are "attractive" all month long, and remain so after child-bearing age.

So what does your friend think of:
Sexual attraction/behavior of a married couple in which the woman is beyond menopause?
Sexual attraction/behavior of a couple which is otherwise incapable of conceiving (and the couple knows it)?
Sex while using contraception?
Sex during a time of the month very unlikely to conceive ("natural contraception")?

You may not get the chance to ask your friend these questions, but they are interesting nonetheless.

-David ("d")

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