Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Urges, I get these urges

Submitted by Chris on August 24 1999 at 20:51:34
In reply to Urges, I get these urges Submitted by Night Wolf on August 24 1999 at 15:11:54

Hi Ewok and Night Wolf,

I'm writing a reply to your post,Night Wolf, because I agree with you on this big time and because I have to make my post short because of the time (I'm working overtime at work again and I can't make it late.).

This is exactly how I deal with my sexual "urges". I am celebate and do not find masterbation a no-no because, the way I look at it, if it IS a sin (and I'm still not too sure about that either) then (to me, at least) it is a far lesser of a sin then having sex with a boy (and has far less worries involved). I kind of have a "look but do not touch" policy going on in my life and it has worked out for me thus far. Now nice hugs and great friendships are, of course, really cool with me (and I'm sure God aproves of those things as well.)

That is how I feel about this subject. Take care Night Wolf and really nice to meet you too, Ewok. Welcome to our Forum, too, by the way, and God bless both of you.

Your's in Christ's Love,

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