Christian Boylove Forum

Summer camps ROCK.....

Submitted by Don on August 26 1999 at 14:04:47

I just got home from doing two weeks as a camp counselor at a Christian summer camp. I've been doing this for three years and I find those two weeks to be the most challenging and stressful and rewarding weeks of my far. God shows himself in so many ways at camp and also creates interesting little situations that just make my faith stronger.

My biggest challenge was a 13 year old guy who was in my cabin and weighed 250 lbs. This kid had terrible language and attitude, had no respect for anyone, and basically drove me crazy in two days. I was nearly to the point where either me or this kid were going to have to leave camp. Just at my lowest point another counselor came along who grew up in a rough situation at home and with gangs and was able to reach out to this kid in a way I never could even on my calmest, coolest, day. What a blessing from God that just the perfect counselor was there to save the day and reach out to this kid I had emotionally shut off. Because I was able to stay at camp and remain sane, I was able to reach out to a couple of other guys, one of whom has some behavorial problems, and build relationships that hopefully will make a difference in their lives.

God did something else amazing with me at camp this year.....please don't anyone be offended by what I'm about to say, I want to stress that it's only me I speaking of and I'm not saying it's how anyone else should be or feel.....

I have been struggling with feelings of homosexuality for the last couple of years. I've had a hard time staying off gay porn websites at times. Now I've got no problem with being gay, if that's what I am, but I've never felt like I was totally gay, either. I'm 38 and celibate, too, for whatever that's worth. While I was at camp God made me feel like gay feelings were not what he wants for me. I say that because there were many times where I was around guys pratically naked and I had absolutly no feelings towards that. In fact, it's strange that whenever I'm around a bunch of teenage boys I never feel attracted to them in any sexual way, and I haven't had any sexual feelings towards guys since I've been on the spirital high created by God at camp. So I feel like God has taken away certain urges he didn't want me to have as I've been more in his prescense in the awesome place that camp is for me. I just pray that God continues to give me guidance in all aspects of my life as he has done in this area.

I still consider myself a boylover since I feel I have an unusual attraction to teenage boys that I consider a gift from God, and when I exercise that gift I'm following his plan for my life. I just don't have any feelings like I'm gay anymore and I hope you're all cool with that.

This is a great place......



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