Christian Boylove Forum

we should be a light at ALL times...

Submitted by Scott on August 28 1999 at 23:10:44
In reply to A time to be silent, a time to speak - when? Submitted by opinions wanted - d on August 28 1999 at 18:52:15

but i am confused as to what you mean. for instance, i will relate a incident from my past, so let me know if i understand you or not.

i was at the movies with a couple of friends. we worked together, and we worked with kids, so they knew that i liked kids. it was a saturday night. we saw a man come in with his son. i am not sure, but he seemed slightly drunk and definitely pissed off. as we waited outside the door for a couple of friends, we watched the two of them. the father started to go in, and looked back and saw that his son was still standing there. he turned back, smacked his son and grabbed him, (and not too gently, either) and literally hauled the 10 y/o boy into the theater, as he shouted, "Let's go, you piece of sh**!" My immediate thought was to go and grab the man like he had grabbed the boy and beat the snot out of him. (not terribly Christ-like)
i was extemely disturbed, both at the fact that this man did this, openly and in public, and at the fact that neither I nor my friends, (all Christians) did anything to stop him. when the movie was over, i waited outside the door until the theater was empty, but he never went by. i knew that the Lord had me there for a reason, but I failed Him. i failed twice, that night, in my opionion. i failed to let the man know that his behavior was unacceptable, but my bigger failure was to let the boy know that SOMEONE out there cared for him, cause i am certain he gets little love at home. and although i failed to speak up then, that boy's face is burned into my mind, and i will not let something like that happen again. so, although it was an unpleasant incident, the Lord has used it to open my eyes and to strengthen my courage for the next time i need to stand up for Him.
anyway, that was kind of long and convoluted, but is that the kind of situation you were talking about? (sorry if not....heheh)

see ya

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