Christian Boylove Forum

If only it were that simple...

Submitted by d on August 30 1999 at 14:08:53
In reply to When? Submitted by TQ on August 30 1999 at 13:44:02

I don't know if you were speaking of "when to speak, when to be quiet" or in general with that remark, but there are times when speaking or acting with my heart alone (without my head) is the WRONG thing to do.

A recent example:
A family I know in passing is having a difficult financial time. They are receiving assistance from charity, both in the form of cash and vouchers and in the form of skills, referrals, and other services.

There is a teenage boy in the family who my heart wants me to take into my own apartment for the duration. However, my head says this is the WRONG thing to do. I've talked to others who are more involved than I am, and their hearts and heads are saying about the same thing. Logically, the best thing for this boy is for him to stay with his family, even if it is uncomfortable in the short term. But my heart (and the hearts of others) do not want to watch him suffer for things he has no control over.

The good news in this situation is that the family is already starting to turn the corner, and the worst of it from the boy's perspective should be over by the end of the year.

By the way, it may not be appropriate for me to help this family by inviting the young man to stay with me for a few months, but there are things I can and have done to help this family. And many others are also helping them.

-David ("d", who doesn't like not being able to help)

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