Christian Boylove Forum

Re: This pain is of my own mistakes

Submitted by Ben on September 02 1999 at 20:41:32
In reply to This pain is of my own mistakes Submitted by LostBoy on August 31 1999 at 17:08:15

Lostboy -
Your search for God is very sincere to me. God WILL answer you my friend and he CAN rescue you, but you've gotta be willing to keep on praying and keep on waiting. I strongly suggest that you start reading the bible. Pick up a copy of the NIV because it is easiest to read. Start with Samuel perhaps, or Job, or Daniel or even start with Genesis and read through Exodus. The point is that reading the bible will give you some perspective on the men who believed so deeply in God that they lay in rags and fasted until God answered their prayers.

Lostboy, if you are as serious about needing God as I think you are, then don't listen to the weak cries of lukewarm Christianity. You WILL feel guity, because you will be surrounded by people who are looking to feel forgiven by judging the more serious sins of others. Take it from one who has found redemption in Christ, that God WILL answer.

I'm going to start praying for you daily, that you start reading, and that you have the faith to believe that God WILL rescue you. You should ask others to pray for you as well. It you want to talk more and feel okay giving out your email (like a hotmail account), I'm willing to give you some more starting points. The forgiveness that you yearn for does exist. God wants you back.

You are not alone.


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