Christian Boylove Forum

Update on a prayer request from May 12 (Chris and others)

Submitted by d on September 08 1999 at 12:50:40

This is an update of my post my absence; prayer request: Austin youth minister arrested from May 12. Chris and everyone else who has been praying for Mr. Jones and the others in this case, thank you.

Mr. Jones, the volunteer who worked with youth (not a youth pastor) plead guilty this week to save the families the pain of a trial, and faces 60 years in prison, 30 before parole (there were 27 counts involving 8 youth). From the sound of the article, he is very remoseful. I would expect him to be paroled early if he chooses to apply for it (but he will be about 60 at the time, and may choose not to apply).

More information can be found in the newspaper articleChurch volunteer pleads guilty to molestatin charges -- 09/08/99.

-David ("d")

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