Christian Boylove Forum

Celibate pedophiles

Submitted by Ben on September 13 1999 at 19:34:09
In reply to Not to spoil the party, but . . . Submitted by Heather on September 09 1999 at 21:15:34

In the eyes of the denominations, everyone here is a sex offender who hasn't struck yet.

Heather -
I'm pretty shocked to hear such unanimous agreement from people whose public opinion is so scrutinized. While my church is not 'one of the denominations' (we don't believe that the church should denominate...but that's another conversation :-) I would have expected a bit more insight from other churchs. The statement reveals two truths:

a) That pedophiles usually only become found out if they actually molest a child and are caught at some point down the road. Therefore, the only pedophiles who are ever studied are those who have offended, and thus the conclusion that all pedophiles offend.

b) That most churches believe that men cannot suppress their sexual drives. And in today's society of restraintless men, this conclusion is sadly accurate. One of the ministers in my church, who leads alot of men's groups and activities, preaches about how men in the bible acted. It may seem old fashioned that men were shivelrous, that they put God before themselves, that they denied their earthly desires out of love and reverence for God. There is a huge call for men in my church to be powerful men of God, not pitiful weaklings who women see as fat, lazy, unrestrained slobs, lapping up sexual favors like a thirsty puppy. I'm not saying that I've been that successful in denying any sexual desires....but I am not going to sit and weakly accept what my body tells me. I'm on my knees daily, asking God for rescue me from the wretched body that he put me into. Paul had a thorn in his side to remind him to be humble to God. I like to look at myself that way. But I have to stay humble...not just accept the thorn.

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