Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Celibate pedophiles

Submitted by Heather on September 13 1999 at 21:41:26
In reply to Celibate pedophiles Submitted by Ben on September 13 1999 at 19:34:09

Yes, it's sad, isn't it? The fact is, though, that the churches made the same mistake with same-gender-attracted people – they began the discussion of homosexuality within the context of crime. Christians ought to be going out looking for outcasts in society, rather than waiting for disaster to strike. (If they only put as much energy into that as they do over their homosexuality debates.)

"That most churches believe that men cannot suppress their sexual drives."

That's a factor I hadn't thought of, but I think a bigger factor is that the sexual recovery community believes that pedophiles can't suppress their sexual drives (except through intensive therapeutic intervention), and at the moment the churches are receiving all of their information from the sexual recovery community. In fact, many of the denominations are receiving their information from a single source, an interfaith organization that supplies information on abuse. So it's no wonder that many of the denominational statements read like carbon copies of each other.


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