Christian Boylove Forum

Re: to sexual thoughts and sin

Submitted by LostBoy on September 17 1999 at 14:52:18

My dear brothers,
Please do not be confused--I leave this for you in love.

This is how you may know the difference between love and lust. Love for a boy will continue on as long as the boy is alive and after. Lust for the boy will stop when the boy reaches a certain age. Love is not a sin, for it is written that God is love, and that God has said to love your neighbor as yourself. Therefore love is not a sin. As far as sexual matters, it comes to this. God created sex, and gave it to mankind, therefore how can it be wrong. For how can we, the creation, say to the creator, "What have you done." For it is written, "Does the clay say to the potter, 'what are you making.' Or the son to the father, 'what are you begetting.'" God did not create sex for mankind, then give us these urges, and then say, "Dont have sex." That would be cruel, mean, and we know that there is no evil in God. What God did say was, "Obey my commandments." And God has given us commandments concerning sex. He also gave us a real life example in His creation of Adam and Eve. For it is written that God saw Adam and said, "It is not good for man to be alone." So God made women. My dear brothers, this word is not for bringing condemnation on anyone, for there is no condemnation in Christ for those who are called by His name according to His puspose--for those who believe on Him and call upon His name for salvation and the forgiveness of sins; because I also, brothers, like you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. If we are to have a real, loving and personal relationship to our Creator, through Jesus Christ, His Son, then we need to be honest with God and with ourselves about every aspect in our lives. Not only admitting all our sin and sinful desires, confessing those sins, asking for forgiveness of our sin; but also trusting in God, believing that His Word is true, that He has given us the power, ability, strength and authority to rise above every evil, to overcome our sin, that we may keep a pure heart before God, and to live a pure life before the Lord our God, not because we have to, but because it pleases Him who first loved us. For those who ask, "How can a mutual loving relationship between two consenting persons be a sin?" I ask you, how can love be a sin? For it is written that God is love, and if then that God is love, how can love be a sin since we know that there is no sin in God. Now I also ask, is your question really, "How can a mutual loving relationship between two consenting persons be a sin?", or is your question, "How can a mutual sexual relationship between two consenting persons, a man and a boy, be a sin?" My brother please to not recieve condemnation in these words, for there is no condemnation in Christ for those who are called by His name--those who believe on Him, who call upon Him for salvation and the forgiveness of sins--for I to ,my brother, like you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. For I tell you truly brother, that if you seek condemnation in these words, then you are not seeking the truth, which is that good and perfect will of God, but instead you are seeking the justification of the sin and the sinful desires in your heart--in which I tell you truly, you will never find, because the justification of sin is not of God. For there is no sin in God, therefore if there is no sin in God, how can sin be justified. Love is not a sin, but lust is. And this is how you may know the difference between the two. Love for the boy will continue for as long as the boy lives on the earth and after. Lust for the boy will stop when the boy reaches a certain age. We as christians, and as children of the Living God, must remember God's Word and meditate on it; not to get caught up in the ways of this world and the feeling that says, "It just feels so right--it cant be wrong." This is when we must remember that our walk with God is not a walk of feelings, but of faith, and through faith we have the forgiveness of sins by confession of sins and through the sacrifice of our Lo rd and Savior Jesus Christ, as it is written. Go in peace my brothers, and know that God loves you as you are. He knows everything about you, nothing escapes His eyes and knowledge about you, and knowing all these things about you, He still says to you that you are indeed still His children, and that He loves you very much.

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