Christian Boylove Forum

Some advice that might or might not help

Submitted by d on September 27 1999 at 18:30:15
In reply to Had more to say... Submitted by Screwed Up on September 27 1999 at 14:09:50

Technically, I can't give any first-hand advice, so I'll give second-hand advice.

Some things that I've seen other pedophiles (BL, GL, and pedophiles who don't really have any love for kids, just a sexual attraction) do to handle this include:
- prayer
- accountability partners (online or in real life)
- completely avoid kids which they find, er, distracting (in your case, boys in your age-of-attraction)
- make sure all contact with said kids is supervised or in public view
- (illegal) use kiddie-porn [NOT recommended - plus free trip to jail] and take care of business by yourself
- take care of business by yourself [not recommended in excess - doing something in excess is not what God has in mind]
- talking with peers (other boylovers in your case)

I've added the link for Healing Together below. This is a forum for people who are striving to not touch kids, AND a forum for people who have been abused in any way. I'm not sure if they are BoyLove-aware, but the general topic of BoyLove (or GirlLove) will be painful for many there and is best not brought up at all.

If you can do so without putting yourself at legal risk, please see a psychologist, they have access to resources that aren't available online, including real-life peer support.
Note - in most states, a psychologist is required to ask if there's ever been a case where you've violated the law and the statutes of limitations have not yet expired, and they are required to report it. Get a lawyer if you aren't sure.

-David ("d")

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