Christian Boylove Forum

Love is all there is

Submitted by The Happy Prince on October 12 1999 at 20:01:34
In reply to Re: There's more to it... Submitted by BLues on October 12 1999 at 00:19:50

BLues wrote:

"Of course we get lots of pleasure spending time with a boy, seeing that his needs are taken care of, seeing him happy, etc. But I believe its silly to think that these are anything more than our sexual nature finding other, attainable avenues. When adults are attracted to one another the ultimate expression of that "love" is sex."

The sex-drive causes us so much trouble, doesn't it?!

The biological imperative - the perpetuation of the species - is fundamental for all living beings on planet earth. But we humans have developed 'sophisticated' and 'civilised' ways to enhance and enrich our experiences of eating and drinking, seeking shelter and safety, establishing social structures, healing and caring for one another, caressing and pleasuring one another.

Our urges and instincts are vital to our survival, but surely that's not all there is.

I honour the honesty of everyone who can clearly identify their own 'ulterior motives', and who can face the truth about their sexual desires.

I applaud and respect everyone who sees through the cruel deception of the 'falling-in-love' mythology our society has burdened us with.

If I'm uncomfortable with my urges and impulses, then I need to get clear about whether they lead me to act in the best interests of the 'beloved'.

If I AM motivated by love, then I need to get comfortable with myself, my motivations and my desires. And I need to behave accordingly.

If I am NOT motivated by love, I need to be courageous and sort it out. And I need to behave accordingly.

In any event, I need to stop looking for a Bible verse that says it's okay for men to have sex with boys - because there isn't one!

But the scriptures do tell me to look for the realm [kingdom] of God around me and within me, and to always behave towards everyone (including myself) with all the love in my heart.

Love and light to all ... from The Happy Prince

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