Christian Boylove Forum

Some good points

Submitted by Mark on October 12 1999 at 22:13:29
In reply to Re: How can BL orientation be good? Submitted by Ben on October 12 1999 at 19:37:43

I really appreciated your post. I'd like to agree with, and challenge some points you made.

In most cases, I believe that BL comes from very adverse circumstances such as an abusive household, molestation or perhaps something more subtle.

I was never abused or molested, although I used to think my BL was caused by the lack of love shown by my father in our family. However, I now think differently. My brother and sister grew up in the same household as me, but are straight. I know people who grew up in more troubled families than I, and are straight. I know gays and BLers who grew up in very happy homes. Similar speculative theories were made about homosexuality a few decades ago, but no evidence was ever found, so they have been debunked. Similarly, no evidence supports such theories about BL, and one sexologist I emailed said no one knows what causes any orientation--be it hebephilia (my attraction to young teens), homosexuality, or heterosexuality. In all cases, it is thought to be a complex interaction of genetic, physiological, and environmental factors.

we also heard a special calling by God to reach out to boys who need
someone who cares about them more than a heterosexual man possibly could.

Well said!

Homosexual love is physically damaging and carries a high risk of disease transmission.

I doubt this is true, especially the claim about disease transmission if it is in the context of a committed monogomous relationship like marriage.

Boylove is rooted in attraction to a passing phase in a human life.

Definitely an important point.


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