Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Selfishness

Submitted by Witness on October 23 1999 at 10:18:48
In reply to Selfishness Submitted by Ben on October 23 1999 at 09:09:51

Hello Ben,
I posted a reply to your post under "I don't Understand". Ben I see that your really being convicted, or I could be wrong but that is what I got from your post. You'll be in my prayers today, I will pray that you will always be able to be a Christian friend to the "twins & their family" and that your ability to witness to them will be stronger than "your own needs". You know Ben, You may have been put here to witness in some way to their Father, if he's not around and those kids are turning to you for attention that should be coming from him, maybe their Dad is the one needing a witness? Sometimes I find that if I can occupy my mind w/other things, keep busy then it is less likely I will start to think or do something I shouldn't be doing. I'm not perfect, will never be. But I do want to be the best Christian I can be. I don't know what to say about the masterbation, I know this... I'd rather have you do that then to have sex w/a young boy, and I'd rather my kids masterbate then to have pre-marital sex. although I really don't want to know about the masterbation, I will tell them about the birds and bees but you know what I mean, I don't want to know they are doing it. But i do want them to be able to come to me and their father if they have some concerns.

One verse I really like is .....
For He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. Job 23:10

I found that in a book called "Tea Time With God", its a small devotional.
This is the passage that accompanies that verse....

Tea time is a wonderful time to regroup,rethink, and refresh. It comes at the time of day when we are a bit frayed from the day's activities, but the activities are not yet at an end. Unfortunately, not all of us can stop for a real tea break, but without this break, the remaining tasks may threaten to take us "under".
As the shadows of the day grow longer, our tempers can grow short. Drawing on the refreshing power of the Holy Spirit, however,will get us to the end of a stressful day. We can gain renewed patience, a fresh sense of humor, and a new surge of creativity and insight by enlisting the aid of the Spirit's ministry within us. Frequently it's during those late afternoon hours when we most need His extra help.
Jewelers claim one of the surest tests for diamonds is the underwater test. "An imitation diamond is never so brilliant as a genuine stone. If your eye is not experienced to detect the difference, a simple test is to place the stone under water. The imitation diamond is practically extinquished, while a genuine diamond sparkles even under water and is distinctly visible. If a genuine stone is placed beside an imitation one under water,the contrast will be apparent to the least experienced eye."
That is how it should be with the Christian when his head is "under water" at the end of a day. The power of the Holy Spirit can so sparkle within him, refreshing and renewing him in spite of the day's harassment's, that it is easy for the average person to tell there is something genuinely different about his life.
Ask the Holy Spirit to impart His power and presence to you today, in this very hour. Pray for Him to help you in the ways you need Him most-- to shine like a diamond under water!!

Sorry that is so long, but I felt like if I only gave you part of it , it wouldn't be as good as it is. I do tend to ramble on at times, :o)

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