Christian Boylove Forum

The story of my life

Submitted by Triple Q on October 25 1999 at 10:52:48
In reply to Time to bore you...but please help. Submitted by BLues on October 24 1999 at 03:32:07

There is no desperation like desperation's innocence seeking to fulfill itself.

I know the feeling. I recently wrote an email to a friend telling them that if they keep looking back at things in their life that they could have changed, then they would never see the beauty that God has put right in front of their face.

And it's true.

If you insist on dwelling on inconsequential moments from the past, the present will not be worth living. Maybe if you stop and look around, you'll find plenty to praise God for...and maybe not. But if you don't try the battle is already lost.

We all have regrets. It's whether or not we choose to overcome those "lost moments" that make the difference...not what we did with them then.

Love from the resident atheist :)

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