Christian Boylove Forum

unity in relationship

Submitted by F.O.D. on October 28 1999 at 00:49:19
In reply to question about trinity: Submitted by Dgennero on October 27 1999 at 05:13:29

The trinity is a hard one to get our minds around.
The best explanation I've heard is that it is all about relationship. The Father and the Son are distinct at one level, but at the same time they are one, united in relationship. Trinity says that if you break reality down into its most finest elements that can be broken down no more, then what you have is a relationship. One finest unit, made up of two (OK, three) parts, that can be broken down no further. You can't separate the two. You can't split the relationship.

In material terms, it's curious to note that the best description of matter we have makes the smallest units combinations of several quarks. A proton or an electron is formed from several quarks, but you never get one quark in isolation.

More relevantly, I think Trinity is what sex is all about. In the sexual relationship you have two people coming together, becoming one. As the Bible puts it in Gen. 2 "Bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh", and "they will become one flesh". I think marriage is God's way of helping us understand this aspect of his own deepest nature.

So think about your relationship with your YF, how you would like it to ideally be. You would marry him if you could. You want to be together with him always, so you can no longer say "here am I", and "here is he", but only "here are we". That's what Trinity means.


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