Christian Boylove Forum

Re: I'm not saying that...

Submitted by Chris on October 28 1999 at 19:48:32
In reply to I'm not saying that... Submitted by Triple Q on October 27 1999 at 20:12:55

Hi Triple Q,

Let me recap the things about this case that are upsetting you, ok?

1. Probably the biggest thing that I see which is upsetting to you is all of the boylovers who assume that either the boy is innocent of a crime, or that he should not be held responsable for his own actions. Am I correct so far? In otherwords, what is probably upsetting you THE most about all of this is that boylovers are biased in thier assumptions. Right?

2. Another thing that I can see that is upsetting you is that, because boylovers are biased in this case, in particular, the one who wrote the petition; then it will only serve to harm the boy's chances in said case because of irronious facts. And you are upset because this will make boylovers look bad. Right?

I will stop at those two points because they seem to be your main "pet peaves" here.

Now let me tell you how you are upsetting me.

1. As to the biggest thing upsetting you, that boylovers are biased in this case, I agree. We are biased in this case! And it is exactly because a young boy is involved. And this is because we ARE what we ARE! Is this going to harm the boy's chances in his might. I will agree with that too. But how do we know that EVERYTHING the author of that petition said is wrong or exaggerated? The fact is, we do not. In fact, I would be more inclined to believe more than half of the allegations he has made. Especially when it involves the United States Government! Do I believe that the cops took the boy in the middle of the night from his home, forcibly, and without a search warrent. You better believe I do! Do I believe that he was hand-cuffed and leg-shackled? Yes, I do. Do I believe that he was not allowed to talktohis lawyer? Again, yes! I do not put any of this past our "esteamed" governent, and if you do, then you had better wake up!

The frightening thing about this case is tat it sounds so familiar to other cases I have read about in the past. Especially the partwhere the child is yanked from the parents and kept away from them (and a lawyer), for very long extended periods of time. I know tat Ihave read about atleast two such cases inthe past couple of years alone. Where due process was thrown out the window. This is whyI believe these alegations.

Are we, as boylovers, to blame if we react emotionally? Absolutely not! We are only reacting in a way that is natural for us. Is it a good idea for us to react this way on a petition. Probably not. So I would concure with you on that one, but, on the other hand, to stand by and do nothing is wrong too. Really, really wrong! What do you think will happen if that boy is found guilty of a sex-related crime? Do you think he will be put somewhere where he will get only THE finest care and psycological counceling? Hardly! He will, more than likely, be placed in a government facility run by uncarring, and unknowlegable social workers who are also under paid.

My point is that, no matter what that boy did to his sister (?), he absolutely does NOT deserve what the U.S. Government will dish out to him. Our government is not interested in rehabilitation of criminals, they only care about lockingthem away for periods of time to get them out of thier hair, so to speak. I put absolutely NOTHING past them, either. Because thier only real interest is in thier own wallets, they have no thought as to the welfare of the rest of us. This is almost painfully obvious in the news every day.

So should we sign this petition if it contains some irronious facts? Probably not, but I do not see anyone else out there carring about this, do you?

So here is my question for you, Triple Q. What are we going to do then? To do nothing is wrong, so what do you suggest? I am simply NOT going to sit by and watch our stupid government swallow up yet another young soul. So what do you suggest we do?

I do not wish to argue with you about this whil e we could be doing something about it. And so, for now, I will leave it up to you to let us fill us in.

Your's in Christ,

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