Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Or in this case, the non-siner?

Submitted by d on October 30 1999 at 23:26:01
In reply to Re: Or in this case, the non-siner? Submitted by Val. on October 30 1999 at 20:34:29

>So, nothing technically illegal has happened.
This makes life easier. It will cost money, but a therapist can help keep him "away from the edge" of the line between legal and illegal.

For some (not many) he may even be able to change his orientation or if he is also attracted to adults, to downplay the pedo orientation. I wouldn't count on "orientation-change" therapy though, but it may be worth a try.

Be aware, in many areas convicted sex criminals get first dibs at therapy, and therapy is geared toward criminals and not necessarily to those who have never committed a crime.

Also, your friend may want to talk to a lawyer first before talking to anyone else, there may be some things that are "legally inconvenient" for him to say (i.e. they would invite an investigation, despite there being nothing to be found).

>To the best of my knowledge, he has not crossed the line over to pedophilia.
I don't follow - actions don't define pedophilia, feelings, thoughts, and attitudes do. I can fondle a boy and not be a pedophile (why? maybe the boy's mom paid me to, who knows). I can be a pedophile and never touch a child inappropriately (I just saw several hands in this room go up).

-David ("d", who doesn't know what he's talking about)

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