Christian Boylove Forum

The real dilemma

Submitted by Mark on November 02 1999 at 20:47:13
In reply to Re: Carrying it further Submitted by Faith Elliston on November 01 1999 at 10:49:30

Wouldn't it only be a disability if the BL could not control his desires? Celibacy to me is attainable, but in my opinion it takes a very strong person to get there.

One assumes that for the BLer, controlling one's desires means remaining celibate. Therefore, if it is true that only the very strong can remain celibate, then most BLers would be disabled. That is, if celibacy is only for the heroically strong, BLers have only two choices--to be either "heroic" or "child abusers", no in-between. The trouble is, of course, that most people, regardless of orientation, are neither. I can only see two ways out of this dilemma: either celibacy is not so hard as our society thinks, or there must be a responsible way for BLers to express themselves sexually.


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