Christian Boylove Forum

A few comments

Submitted by Mark on November 02 1999 at 21:20:27
In reply to Re: Paradigms Submitted by Ben on November 01 1999 at 19:24:27

The DSM no longer lists pedophilia as a disorder.

Actually, pedophilia *is* listed as a mental illness. Maybe Heather can post that link to the APA "Fact Sheet on Pedophilia" again.

Lets remember that the APA bases nothing on faith or God, but on hard empiracle evidence.

In the case of pedophilia, the APA bases its information on neither faith nor empirical evidence (at least not objective representative evidence). It has no empirical evidence about pedophiles who do not molest. Its description is misleading. It says we use many devious means to gain access to children and gain their trust so we can abuse them, and implies that our feelings are obsessive and uncontrollable (without citing any scientific evidence). Again, see the "Fact Sheet."

I was in aversion therapy for five years. It was voluntary and I paid alot of money for it and it REDUCED the frequency of masterbation (in my case). It "cured" nothing. I absolutely do not believe that aversion therapy does anything more than to change a person's external behavior. It left me devoid of love and emotional fulfillment and I had no trouble returning to my old behavior as soon as the therapy stopped.

I am sorry you were abused in this way. That's why I believe that aversion therapy is unethical except maybe in the case where a person (regardless of orientation) cannot control their behavior.

The only thing that has ever change my life is faith in God.

What a wonderful testimony!


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