Christian Boylove Forum

Re: To Val.

Submitted by Val. on November 03 1999 at 16:35:15
In reply to To Val. Submitted by Bach on November 02 1999 at 15:30:06

Bach, thanks for the message. I like the name too. Bach (J.S.) is one of my all time favorite composers. I'm a musician. I'm hearing pretty much the same thing from all of you. It's time for my friend to find this website. It would be a comfort to him, I'm sure, to know he isn't alone. Sometime I will get him over here and turn him loose, so to speak.:) I haven't really talked to him for a few days about this. We're both recovering from the revelation. It's only been a week. It worries me that he lives with this alone, except for me and I'm an hour away. I will pass on everything you all have told me. It really has helped. I'm going to see him tonight so maybe he'll want to talk. Thanks again. Val.

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