Christian Boylove Forum

Re: well guys, my boss knows...

Submitted by Faith Elliston on November 08 1999 at 09:42:15
In reply to well guys, my boss knows... Submitted by Scott on November 07 1999 at 21:14:27

Hi Scott,
hmm well I can only imagine what this situation has been like. I will keep you and your girlfriend in my prayers and pray that God's will is done and it will be revealed to you and her. I think your doing the right thing by putting it in His hands, God does work in His own time and in His own way, but once you see the work He has done, you see that it is all worth while. I hope that your gf will be able to stand by you with this, you know my husband had alot of problems when we first met, such as being permiscuous, drinking too much, got him two dui's, but for some reason I knew I was to stand by him, I prayed many times that God would reveal it to me wether I should stay or go, and I was always led to stay and I think the reason why was b/c my Husband was out of church and my being in his life was a witness to him and helped him to not do those things. So... guess what I'm saying is if its meant to be, if that is what God wants in your life , then she can be a positive witness to you. I will pray for you both and God Bless. :o)

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