Christian Boylove Forum

If you're thinking of telling your pastor . . .

Submitted by Heather on November 14 1999 at 22:39:30

Sometimes, during my endless Web surfing, I hit a gold mine. I've just discovered a site that links to all of the mandatory reporting laws for the U.S. states. This site could be especially helpful for anyone considering telling a professional, such as a pastor, about his attraction to children.

A sample passage from the site:

"Extent of the knowledge triggering the duty to report varies. Some statutes call for reporting upon a mere 'reasonable cause to believe' or a 'reasonable suspicion.' Other statutes require the reporter to 'know or suspect,' which is a higher degree of knowledge."

As the site's disclaimer notes, mandatory reporting laws change frequently; in addition, organizations to which the professional belongs (such as denominations) may have more stringent requirements.


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