Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by F.O.D. on November 17 1999 at 23:16:20
In reply to Need love, not hate Submitted by KPK/PPC on November 17 1999 at 20:04:47


While it's a pity you've lately driven poor Jhonas to exasperation, it's good to see you're still holding the innermost hope of making the transformation that overthrows the accumulated rage inside you. May you ever hold on tight to that hope, like a light spark in the cave leading you to daylight. Do you ever read "Lord of the Rings"? There's the scene where Frodo's friend Sam holds Frodo's special light gift from the Elf Queen Galadriel, and that light drives out the darkened Spider of the underground and lets Sam save Frodo's life.

I once heard of this preacher fellow, I don't remember his name. He talks about how when he was 8 years old he had this vision of heaven. He saw all these "storehouses" full of body parts - hands...eyes...ears. Sounds sort of gross in a way, but what it means is that with God in heaven there'll be the doing away of the physical crap we have to put up with here, and we'll have a new body that's perfect, just as God is perfect.

Have you ever thought about what St John's revelation is about? There's this weird phrase, in Chapter 20 I think it is, just after the bit about there being a new heaven and a new earth, John writes "and the sea was no more". This always used to upset me tremendously - how could there be no sea in heaven? The sea is one of the best parts of God's creation! But I thought about it more, and realised that it's a metaphor. The sea, with all its waves and storms and turbulence was for John a symbol for the turbulent life we live here, with all the fighting and the fear, but in heaven the sea will be no more - there'll no longer be that fighting and upset. There'll be peace. At long last, the peace we've been waiting for and striving for.

Peace be with you, PPC.



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