Christian Boylove Forum

warning heeded ;)

Submitted by F.O.D. on November 25 1999 at 23:15:03
In reply to *warning* sagely advice enclosed Submitted by Triple Q on November 25 1999 at 22:23:34

Yes, QQQ, you're right, to be sure, about E. Time will tell where things stand. The hard part is being so far away from him and Y. It wouldn't be so bad if we still lived near each other and could get on with the friendy stuff. It would help distract me from the romantic stuff I'm sure. He has such a lovely heart, I do miss it so. But he's finally started sending emails!

How does that song go?
"Here I am again in this mean ol' town,
and you're so far away from me.
Where are you, when the sun goes down,
when you're so far away from me..."


(what about Y? How does he fit into the angst? Or is that what the poesy was referring to?...)

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