Christian Boylove Forum

Re: I'm sick of it...all of it!

Submitted by Faith Elliston on November 29 1999 at 14:27:56
In reply to I'm sick of it...all of it! Submitted by Chris on November 29 1999 at 05:33:53

I'm so sorry to hear all that is going on with you right now, but keep praying! and let me tell you ...I've been there. We filed a Chapter 13 few years ago, wish we hadn't been put in that position but....when you only have one income and a family to support it didn't feel like we had many other choices. And those financial delimmas(sp?) really are hard to deal with b/c they can try to get the better of you, but you have to get ahold of it and remember that this too shall pass. Chris I know you love your brother, but you can't fix his life, pray for him and be there as a friend when he needs you but you can only take care of you right now. You just hang in there, God hasn't forgotten about you, he's just letting you become stronger and better then you already were. He loves and won't abandon you. As for those headaches, this is what I do, when the aspirin,motrin,whatever it is that I took isn't helping. I go into my room turn off all the lights, turn some music down realllly low almost to where you can't hear it, or if that gets on my nerves :o) I turn the fans on and I try my hardest to just relax and think about nothing. I bet you've already tried it but it does work. Nice excuse sometimes to let the hubby take over lol. Hang in there Chris, you can do this! Just pray that God will show you what it is he's wanting from you and let him lead you. I'll be praying for that for you!!
Many Blessings

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