Christian Boylove Forum

an answer for anybody

Submitted by Scott on December 05 1999 at 13:18:11
In reply to A question for everybody Submitted by Heather on December 04 1999 at 20:39:52

Hi Heather,

interesting questions.

>>Why do you call yourself a boylover?

The obvious answer- why not? *grin* seriously, though, to me it seems to be the best word around. pedophile has too many negative connotations, and does not express the depth of my feelings anyway. i love boys like straight men love women- in numerous different ways. i do not just love them in a sexual way. personally, i feel that it is a good description of me- regardless of how most of the world would view that word. (then again, i have known many people to whom the word *christian* is a dirty word) to me, the word boylover means just that, a person who *LOVES* boys- not just has sex with them.

>>I mean, the word is almost universally regarded as a synonym for child molester – at the very least, it is taken to mean someone who believes that adult-child sex is morally permissible (which I realize applies to some celibate boylovers, but it doesn't apply to everyone here).

i have never really cared how the world views me- i am me, and that is all that matters. it is wonderful to be free and confident enough in the lord to know that He accepts you, so you need no other acceptance.

>>I guess my real question is: Why do you hang out with the boylove community, risking misunderstanding from your fellow Christians, rather than seek out a nonboylove support group that welcomes minor-attracted adults?

because sometimes the straight people just cannot understand. i am finding that with my gf- things are still well between us since she found out i am a bl, but she is unable to understand some things. the main problem, though, is that so few people (that i know of anyway) would be willing to accept us *as we are*. if i knew of any that i could talk to, i would talk to them. besides, it does me no public harm to have people *not know* that i am a bl. i have worked at numerous jobs with children, (BTW, many of them have been with christian organizations) and every single one of my bosses has commented (in a positive way) on the obvious love i have for children. i have made no attempt to hide that love, and it has done wonders. i am happier and healthier and closer to God than i have been in years.... why try to spoil that with a label?
see ya

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