Christian Boylove Forum

Those "other support groups"

Submitted by Heather on December 06 1999 at 17:57:31
In reply to A question for everybody Submitted by Heather on December 04 1999 at 20:39:52

Oh, gosh, guys, you're so nice and sane in your responses that I hate to throw this follow-up question at you, but I do get this question all the time. I was sort of tip-toeing around it in the last post, trying to get the more general sense of what your view of "boylover" is, but here's the follow-up question:

Why aren't you in sexual recovery groups?

Those were, of course, the other support groups I was talking about. They're the ones who consider themselves the legitimate support groups for anyone who is attracted to children, and judging from the literature I'm getting from the Christian denominations, they are the only support groups that churches are recommending. If I told a church, "Oh, yes, I know some minor-attracted adults who take part in a support forum for minor-attracted adults that includes pro-sex pedophiles," I'd hear a scream that lasted to the end of the Millennium. For the churches, the most important ingredient in a support group for adults who are attracted to minors is that all of the members of the support group agree that sex between adults and minors is morally wrong. And that means (at the moment, in lieu of any other options) the sexual recovery groups.

I know that some here are celibate for moral reasons. I know that others here are celibate but find no moral reason to oppose man-boy sex. And yes, Dgennero, I know that some here are sexually active. So does anyone here see this the way that the world does, as a really volatile and dangerous mixture?

Or do you see this as unimportant? Or even advantageous?


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