Christian Boylove Forum

Wrong question - but here are some answers!? :)

Submitted by forgiven on December 07 1999 at 18:11:52
In reply to The Unitarian Church - is it Christian? Submitted by F.O.D. on December 06 1999 at 03:02:53

The question 'is it Christian doesn't help' - because it doesn't mean anything. The issue is
1) Is being a unitarian a bar to getting to heaven
2) How should others within the church respond to the Unitarians

The answer to 1 is something about trusting in God's grace for our salvation, not any works, and knowing him for ourselves. John 10 v 16 gives me a strong suspicion that at the final judgement that there will be many who are found to be of Jesus' flock to our great surprise. Equally there will be many who are in for major disappointment (Mt 7 v 21 - 25).

The biblical answer to 2 is more controversial. The second letter of 2 John, particularly v7-11 or so, gives clear guidance that those who reject the reality of the incarnation are not to welcomed as part of the Christian community.

So my own conclusion from all that is that there are probably people within the Unitarians who we will find in heaven, but we have no permission to assume this. Not easy.....

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